Overcoming Challenges with Business Process Management Software

Image sourced from Pexels

Running a business means facing competition, which drives the need for efficiency. This is why many organizations turn to business process management software. In the past, BPM tools were often complicated and overwhelming. However, technological advancements have led to user-friendly no-code and low-code platforms accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Business process management software — be it online or on-premise — can seamlessly integrate into existing workflows so companies can automate processes, minimize inefficiencies, and swiftly adapt to market changes. However, despite these advantages, implementing BPM software can pose challenges. To achieve a successful BPM initiative, organizations must carefully plan and secure support from all stakeholders for a smooth transition.

In this article, we will discuss the challenges associated with using business process management software. We will also provide practical strategies to overcome these obstacles so that businesses can maximize BPM tools’ capabilities.

Foster a Culture of Change Management

Image sourced from Fortune Business Insights

Resistance to change is one of the biggest challenges that hinders progress and innovation in many organizations. It is easier for employees to cling to familiar routines, fueled by fear of the unknown or mistrust in leadership. This belief makes it difficult for businesses to adapt to a dynamic environment.

Given that the BPM market was valued at $14.74 billion in 2023, with North America accounting for $8.74 billion, businesses are hard-pressed to incorporate these tools into their workflows. However, to ensure employee buy-in, they must foster a change management culture first.

Incorporating business process management software into career planning and development initiatives can be strategic. By offering employees training and education on business process management software, companies can create a workforce skilled in process optimization and open to innovation. Investing in employee education around business process management software enhances their ability to contribute meaningfully to business goals for personal growth and organizational success.

To overcome resistance to change, businesses can implement the following strategies:

  • Communicate Transparently. Share clear information about the reasons for change and expected outcomes to reduce uncertainty and fear.
  • Engage Employees Early. Involve employees in the change process by soliciting their feedback and ideas to foster a sense of ownership.
  • Provide Training and Resources. Equip employees with the necessary skills and support to adapt to new processes or technologies confidently.

Set Clear, Measurable Goals

A business operating online or offline will face challenges and inefficiencies if there are no clear objectives. When goals aren’t well-defined, teams can become misaligned, which can lead to confusion. This misalignment causes employees to focus on tasks that don’t support the organization’s overall mission. As a result, resources are wasted and employee morale decreases.

To achieve success, set clear and measurable goals. These goals guide teams in prioritizing their efforts and aligning with the company’s objectives. Measurable goals boost motivation by allowing employees to track their progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. This, in turn, enhances productivity and accountability within the organization.

Create a more focused and motivated workforce by following these tips to address unclear objectives:

  • Ensure that goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to clarify expectations and make tracking easier.
  • Engage team members in fostering ownership and ensure goals reflect their insights to improve commitment.
  • Use meetings, emails, and visual displays to regularly share and reinforce organizational objectives so everyone understands their role.

Leverage Integration Tools

A business’ inability to integrate with legacy systems hinders innovation and efficiency. These outdated systems often use incompatible technology so it is difficult to connect with modern applications. More so, the high cost of upgrading legacy infrastructure discourages necessary integrations and further isolates important data and processes.

However, integration tools, including those with multilingual platform support, streamline operations and improve data management. These tools offer seamless connections between various systems so data flows smoothly and reduces the risk of errors. By adopting integration solutions, organizations can improve operational efficiency, foster better decision-making, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Here’s how you can effectively integrate BPM software with online and legacy systems:

  • Focus on integrating the most crucial systems first to demonstrate quick wins and build momentum for broader integration efforts.
  • Implement middleware between systems and new applications for communication without requiring major infrastructure changes.
  • Develop application programming interfaces (APIs) to enable seamless data exchange between systems and modern applications without overhauling existing infrastructure.

Prioritize Process Automation

Relying on manual processes or poorly designed workflows can lead to inefficiencies and frustration. These outdated methods slacken response times, increase errors, and reduce operational transparency. Employees may also feel disengaged and overwhelmed by repetitive tasks. In turn, this can also diminish their morale and productivity.

Implementing process automation allows companies to streamline operations and improve performance. Moreover, it boosts productivity while enhancing customer satisfaction with quicker, more accurate responses to client needs. With the automation market projected to be worth up to $19.6 billion by 2026, businesses have a tremendous opportunity to enhance efficiency and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

Do the following to start prioritizing process automation:

  • Conduct Process Audits. Regularly review workflows to identify inefficiencies and prioritize processes that would benefit most from automation.
  • Invest in the Right Automation Tools. Select automation technologies that align with the specific needs of the organization. Try workflow management software or robotic process automation (RPA).
  • Standardize Procedures. Develop standardized operating procedures (SOPs) for repetitive tasks to ensure consistency and quality in execution.

Implement Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Many businesses struggle with continuous process optimization, often relying on short-term fixes instead of long-term solutions. Since market conditions change, businesses should adapt their processes to prevent stagnation and inefficiency.

Implement continuous monitoring and improvement (CMI) in your business process management software to stay agile and competitive. By systematically evaluating and refining processes, organizations can enhance efficiency, boost quality, and improve customer satisfaction. This proactive approach mitigates potential risks and fosters a culture of innovation so teams can adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Take note of these strategies to address the difficulties businesses encounter in maintaining continuous process optimization:

  • Create an environment where employees feel comfortable suggesting and implementing changes. In addition, make sure to highlight the benefits of continuous improvement.
  • Dedicate sufficient time, personnel, and budget to continuous improvement projects with a focus on those with the greatest potential impact.
  • Implement analytics tools to extract actionable insights from data for informed decision-making and targeted improvements.

Stay Competitive with Business Process Management Software

Implementing business process management software need not be complicated. The common challenges of adopting leading business software solutions can be fixed by applying the strategies discussed in this article. Address BPM challenges directly and create a culture of collaboration and innovation to fully harness its potential. Embrace continuous improvement to optimize processes, increase agility, and secure long-term success in the evolving business landscape. By taking the time to do so, you can stay ahead of the curve in your industry.

We present to you a new portal in our offer – MARKETING PORTAL

Welcome to our Marketing module – your key to dynamic management of marketing initiatives!

This comprehensive tool gives you centralized control over all your marketing activities, ensuring your campaigns are effective and targeted. With our intuitive user interface, start traveling through the marketing world with ease.

The dashboard gives you an instant view of key metrics and events, allowing you to quickly spot trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Processing activities are your central base of operations, where you can track every marketing move, from planning to execution.

Whether it’s sending emails, managing social media or creating marketing materials, you have it all at your fingertips here.

Marketing campaigns are the core of your business – with our module, you can create, monitor and optimize each campaign according to your goals and target audience.

From setting the strategy to analyzing the results, every step is transparent and simple.

Distribution lists allow you to target the distribution of your marketing messages, ensuring they reach the right audience at the right time.

Leads are your valuable asset – track their interaction with your content and respond quickly to their needs.

Unsorted contacts are an opportunity for new business opportunities – track them, analyze them and turn them into loyal customers.

The templates make it easy for you to create consistent and engaging marketing materials, while the next steps ensure that your actions are always planned and executed with precision.

The documentation provides you with the guidance and resources you need to get the most out of your marketing tools.

Reports are your key tools for performance analysis – monitor campaign performance and adjust your strategies for maximum return on investment.

Improve your business in the world of marketing opportunities with APPCRO BMS Marketing portal – Your perfect partner for successful marketing.

Innovative WAREHOUSE module!

Introducing the revolutionary Warehouse module – a comprehensive tool for smart warehouse management! This innovative module allows your employees to record every step in manipulating warehouse items, from the moment they are received until a possible write-off.

The warehouse provides you with complete visibility and control, allowing you to track the trajectory of each item through different stages. A summary overview of each warehouse document provides an insight into quantities, financial values, item movements and other important records in one place.

Improve your business process through Receipts, which not only record the receipt of items in detail, but also allow you to update the costs associated with the receipt. Automated recording of the received quantity saves your valuable time, eliminating the need for additional documentation and subsequent checks.

Returns make warehouse item returns quick and easy, automating the record process at all warehouses. Warehouse physical inventory provides an instant overview of the stock situation, with the possibility of corrections via put-away.

Adjustment as a separate storage document allows you to correct quantities in case of errors or emergency situations, while writing off goods is a quick and efficient way to record unsuitable items.

Save time, reduce stress and improve warehouse efficiency with our Warehouse module. This is not just software, but the key to complete control and success of your warehouse business! Step into a new era with APPCRO BMS and transform your warehouse today!


Digital eOffice for 2023! Start digitalizing your office work before it’s too late

In accordance with the prescribed regulations from the Republic of Croatia, the eOffice 2023 module was developed. The module enables the acceleration and improvement of daily tasks related to papers, files, documents, case files, archives, sending mails…all of this is supported as part of our multi-functional platform APPCRO BMS.

The main advantage worth mentioning is that with us you have the possibility of connecting with other functionalities which you can digitalize and connect, e.g. invoices, fiscalization, contracting, purchase orders, business offers, human resources management (travel orders, absences, intercity driving, approving requests for days off).

While others offer functionalities, WE OFFER A FUNCTIONAL PLATFORM through which you can completely digitalize your company and step into a new era of technology.

You no longer have to worry about where the papers ended up, what’s missing, was it sent, what is the current status, where it is on loan APPCRO BMS does it all for you!

Successfully implemented APPCRO BMS platform – Klara d.d.

Croatian company Klara (Klara – Zagrebačke pekarne Klara d.d.) successfully started introducing the APPCRO BMS platform in its business in 2022. by using an external portal for orders, it accelerated the ordering process and improved the process from customer to supplier.

In addition to the portal, an asset module was developed for business needs to facilitate the recording and monitoring of all assets owned by the company. Find more information about our company and the solution itself at the following link: About us – APPCRO d.o.o.

We have developed a new module: EXTERNAL PORTALS

We have expanded the APPCRO BMS platform with a new module:

  • External portals.

External portals offer the opportunity to provide customers and contacts with access to important information and functionality with limited capabilities and rights, e.g. customers can create orders, suppliers can create offers, employees can keep records of days off and travel orders.

Infinity platform provides support for the following portals:

  • Orders Portal
  • GDPR Portal
  • SD Portal
  • Projects Portal
  • Contracts Portal
  • Procurement Portal
  • HRM Portal
  • Invoices Portal
  • Assets Portal
  • Sales portal
  • Collaboration portal
  • Records portal.

Portals provide the ability to create and manage data with users which do not have all permissions enabled. Portals provide remote access to data and managing data with users who do not necessarily have to have all permissions to view, edit or create data, e.g. creating a user who will only manage SD requests, this user does not need to see all invoices, contracts, assets, users, create all entities. This user can be assigned to SD portal.

Multilingual platform

We are proud to announce that our APPCRO BMS platform www.appcrobms.com will soon be available in 23+ world languages spoken by more than 4 billion people.

Languages: Arabic; Chinese; Croatian; Czech; Dutch; English; French; German; Greek; Hindi; Hungarian; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Spanish; Swedish; Turkis; Ukrainian.

Successfully implemented APPCRO BMS platform – Inter Solutio d.o.o.

Company Inter Solution d.o.o. (Home | Inter Solutio d.o.o. (inter-solutio.hr) successfully introduced the APPCRO BMS platform, thus increasing efficiency in the execution of business processes in the area of ​​contracts, accounts, assets and projects.

With this implementation, the APPCRO BMS platform enabled the digitization of business. Find more details about the APPCRO BMS platform and us at the following link: About us – APPCRO d.o.o.